Community Bible Fellowship
We’re the Community Bible Fellowship, located in Kettle Falls, Washington.
Here you’ll find some information and details of who we are and what we’re involved in.
You’ll also meet many of our church family, folks that consider CBF their “church home”.
We really like those words.....”family”.....”home”! They communicate a lot about the warmth and love that is a big part of who we are.
And that’s important, because it identifies us with the most important person in our church – Jesus Christ!
You see, we don’t all look alike, think alike on everything, aren’t the same age, or have the same background.
We live all over, some work here and there or are retired, some spend part of each year living away while many stick around all the time; and we may all have a different favorite ice cream! But one thing we hold in common, our love for Jesus Christ and for one another.
So although you’ll see lots of cool pictures and there are several links to explore,
Community Bible Fellowship is so much more...... it’s a people God has put together at this time in this place to glorify Himself.
What an honor that He chose us for this!
God’s blessings to you,
Mark Liesch, Pastor
Community Bible Fellowship
Kettle Falls, Washington
If this is your church home, contact Louise Ayers for more information to be added into the online directory.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11