"Go any make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you and surely I am with you always to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20
Church Supported Missions
At Home and Abroad
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Eagle Summit Ministries
Hope For Youth Ethiopia is a holistic ministry to youth and their families with a focus on those who are most disadvantaged vulnerable, or at risk of getting into a worse situation. We work with underprivileged children and youth, helping them become free from poverty -- physical, economic, social, and spiritual poverty. We want to see them reach their full potential as responsible, fulfilled Christians. Our vision is to see youth transformed by God into mature Christians who live out their faith in practical ways that have a positive influence on the people around them.
Information coming soon
Rich & Yvonne Lee - Mexico
In 1976, Rich and Yvonne Lee were asked to help a struggling Bible church plant in Guadalajara, Mexico. They began with about 15 people and the church grew to over 200. From that church plant, the Lord raised up about 30 full time Mexican laborers as pastors and pastors' wives to work in the harvest.
After some 5 years, the Lees returned to Spokane to South Hill Bible Church on 29th and Grand where the elders had invited Rich to pastor their small church. Rich and Yvonne ministered there for 6 years from 1982- 1988 and the Lord grew the church form 70 to about 300.
Rich's gifting from the Lord is church planting, not maintaining a church, so in 1988 he resigned as pastor of South Hill Bible Church and returned to his prior profession as a pharmacist. They moved to Dayton, Washington, where Rich worked in the local pharmacy and at the same time, became the interim pastor of the local Baptist church and a Mexican church in need of a pastor for migrants who worked at the Green Giant Cannery as well as others who lived there full time. Yvonne taught ESL and worked as migrant record's clerk with Hispanics in the area as well as being involved in the ministry.
After several years, the Lord led them to move on to Colville where Rich managed the Walmart pharmacy, then opened and managed the Colville Medical Clinic from 2001-2008. Yvonne taught Spanish, English and communications courses at the IEL in Colville and they helped start Community Bible Fellowship in Kettle Falls, Washington.
In 2008, Lees retired from their professions and accepted the Lord's call to return to Mexico where they worked with their daughter and her family, Rebecca and Frank Arellanes and their daughters in Puerto Vallarta doing church planting.
Lees have helped plant 3 churches in Puerto Vallarta since that time. Their main ministry was founding a Bible Church in 2011 called Iglesia Biblica La Roca Fuerte. They just completed 7 years at that church where the Lord has recently raised up a national pastor, elders, deacons and deaconesses.
One of Lees' special joys was teaching a three week marriage seminar last spring to a sister church and this spring to our church in Vallarta. Just as in the States, marriages struggle, so it was a privilege to watch couples become encouraged as they received tools they need to improve their martial relationships.
Two years ago, the mother church, Iglesia Biblica La Roca Fuerte in Vallarta sent a group of believers with Rebecca and Frank to begin a new work in a small area north of Vallarta called La Mision. The Arellanes founded that church with the help of Mexican national and preachers in training from the mother church as well as Rich and others.
Lees have made the decision to resign from the Bible Church in Puerto Vallarta and are waiting on the Lord's direction for future ministry. Thank you for your prayers and support.
Rich and Yvonne Lee
Rich & Joyce Mattocks - Papua New Guinea
Rich and Joyce Mattocks began serving in Papua New Guinea in 1993 as teachers of missionary children. Since 1999 they have served the Kamano-Kafe people group. God has greatly blessed the team. The New Testament is now printed and selling along with solar powered audio units containing recordings of the entire New Testament and 5 books of the Old Testament. Rich and Joyce are thankful for their team of prayer and financial partners whose partnership enables both them and their team of national co-workers to continue translating the Old Testament, and producing materials. Please pray and consider your role in enabling them in this call.
Contact Info
c/o 7127 E Day Mt. Spokane Rd.
Mead, WA 99021
Don & Cheryl S. - Muslim Country
Don and Cheryl Schroeder have been serving in South Asia since August of 2000. They minister with a team working long-term in a large Muslim majority country in South Asia.Their vision is to make disciples among this generally unreached Muslim majority people. Their sending organization has the identity of a Christian NGO in their country, and Cheryl is the current visa holder of the family. She teaches English under a government approved program in their town. Her students range widely in age and life experience. She has taught high school groups, college age groups, career government employees and private sector NGO employees, to name a few. They are part of a team of 3 foreign families living in their town, with a local population of 100,000.
Don & Cheryl’s main ministry focus in the country is with an outreach program called Indigenous Outreach Workers, IOW. The IOW program provides long-term ministry partnerships with gifted Muslim background believer families, to take the Gospel to unreached areas. This work began in January of 2010 with a single outreach worker and currently has 4 full-time families working in rural areas in the southwestern part of their country.All the IOW workers are married, with children, living in areas that are otherwise unreached with the Gospel. Don & Cheryl particularly partner with 2 of these families. Both families have target populations of about 1.5 million people in each of their working areas.
Please be in prayer for these IOW men and their families. Pray that like Paul, they might open the eyes of the people of these areas so “that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins.” (Acts 28: 18) Pray that disciples might be made, and that these disciples would in turn reach out to their families and their communities.
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.
Acts 1:8